Absences/Independent Study

Parents must call the school at (650) 259-3830 if their child is going to be absent. If a call is not made, a note from a parent/guardian must be given to the office upon return.

If a student is going to be absent from school for five days or more, please contact the school at least five days in advance for an Independent Study Contract.


Electronics/Cell Phones on Campus

No use of personal cell phones are allowed on campus before and during school. Please contact the office if there is an emergency or you have a message that your student needs immediately. Students are allowed to bring their own laptops or tablets to school for use in the classroom and must adhere to the agreements in the district’s acceptable use form.


Cell phones, electronic devices, earbuds and headphones must be turned off and put away while on campus. Personal laptops, tablet devices, earbuds, and headphones may be used for BIS staff-assigned work only.


Hall Passes

Every student leaving a classroom must have a hall pass. Students who are out of class without a pass will be sent back to their assigned classroom.


Health Office

If you become ill at school, report to your teacher FIRST and then request a pass to go to the office.


ID Cards

Students must carry their ID card with them on campus. ID cards are needed to buy lunch and check out materials.


Leaving Campus Early

Parents must come into the office and sign the student out at the counter. Students will be called from class upon parents' arrival to the office.


Make-Up Homework Request Policy

Students who have been absent from class should refer to individual teacher’s policies to determine the amount of time given to make up missed assignments. Please email teachers directly for make-up homework or refer to Power School Unified Classroom.



Students are not allowed to carry medications of any type during the school day. All types of medication must be kept in the school office.


Restorative Practices

Restorative practices cultivate students' sense of belonging through proactive community building and responses to misbehavior that repair the harm they did and restore the relationships that their actions damaged. The use of restorative practices has been proven to decrease misbehavior, reduce the need for disciplinary actions, increase perceived safety, and increase academic achievement campus-wide.

Learn more about Restorative Practices at BIS >



Students are supervised for 15 minutes before school and 15 minutes after school. Students on campus outside these supervised times must be involved in a school-sponsored activity.



A new California law requires all students entering 7th grade to be vaccinated against whooping cough. By law, students who do not have proof of receiving a Tdap booster shot will not be able to start school until proof is provided to the school. (The tetanus-diptheria booster shot, Td, will not meet the requirement.)

Read more here >



No one is allowed onto the campus without prior permission from the administration. Parents/guardians must check in at the office and get a visitor badge if they need to come on campus for any reason. Please make an appointment to meet with teachers before coming to school.


Zip Codes

In order to attend BIS, a student must reside in the City of Burlingame (94010) with at least one parent or legal guardian. If resident status changes, parents/guardians must apply for an Inter-District transfer in order to remain at BIS. Inter-District transfer forms may be picked up at the District Office.

